How does a single block in the blockchain look like?
How does it, look at night?
Is it sleeping or working?
What additional value does crypto offer?
What can grow from it? Where will it evolve to?
Ebic Jo explores vision and ideas of the crypto world.
Interactivity & Autonomy
Based on the time of day, the art pieces changes.
It reflects sunrise, day, sunset and night cycle.
The owner of the art piece can change the location,
which will influence when the art piece changes.
Use Case of day-night art-piece
Ebic has relatives who live in Asia. He lives in Europe.
When he wants to call them, it looks at the artwork.
What time of day is it there? Can I still call?
What time of day is it there? Can I still call?
Sunrise Day
Sunset Night

+ Paper and pen
+ Blender
+ Photoshop
+ Adobe XD for Prototype