Jo wanted to design a green planet.
Birds that fly only during the day.
Clouds that come and go.

Interactivity layers 
For every 24 hours there is a separate picture. 
Every hour the planet rotates a little further. 
Every hour the sun shines from a different direction. 
Every hour the birds are in a different position

The owner of the artwork can change the time zone. 
Thus he influences which images he gets to see.

Use Case 
The artwork tells you if it is day or night.
You can set the time zone for it in the artwork.

Jo's in-laws live in Asia. 
He often doesn't know if they are awake or asleep. 
Are they already asleep or can he still call?
With a glance at the artwork, 
he sees if it's day or night at his in-laws.

00:00 to 23:00

+ Paper and pen, Blender 3D, Photoshop

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